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Our 'Learn-to-Row' and Development Programme


We run a ‘Learn to Row’ Programme, this programme usually lasts 6 weeks, and you will be rowing with other rowers of similar ability, progressing together. During these weeks you will learn the basics of gig rowing, and start working on timing and bladework in particular.

After completing the ‘Learn to Row’ programme, you will be able to move either into a ‘Development Crew’ to bring you to a level where you can compete at regattas, or if you would rather there is also to option to join the social rowers instead.

If you would like to give gig rowing a try, you can get in touch with us through our Facebook page or you can get in touch with us here

Getting started in any new sport can be daunting. To help with this, we've put together a list of frequently asked questions which can be found at the bottom of this page. We are a friendly, welcoming club so if you don't find the answer to your question in the FAQ's just send us a message.

Experienced Rowers and Coxswains


We welcome any experienced rowers or coxwains looking to join TRRC with open arms.


Your path into a crew will of course be tailored to your ability and ambitions. We hold regular selections for major events so you'll soon find yourself in a crew.

Social Rowing

We have a thriving and growing group of members who row simply for the pleasure of rowing. New club members who do not wish to make the commitment to competitive rowing, past competitive members and current competitive members who also wish to row socially together make up this group.


The social rowers typically meet on Wednesday mornings and spend the whole morning visiting small creeks, watching wildlife, taking photos and chatting, having brunch in a cafe on the river, and in the summer occasionally having a picnic and swim at one of the secluded beaches along the Carrick Roads. There is scope to extend the social group to other days and times dependent upon numbers.


The social members also help out at the Club Regatta and other fundraising events. One of our highly experienced coxswains holds and organises the social membership. If you wish to join this group you should contact the Club via our email.

Membership Levels and Fees


We have the following membership levels:

Competitive rower - £100

Annual use of gig shed - £20

Social rower - £50

Student - £50

Junior - £40

Family discount of 10% after first full price member is paid 

  • What is involved in the ‘Learn-to-Row’ Programme?
    You'll be invited to join a Whatsapp group with other new rowers where you'll find the basic information you'll need to start. There you will find the details on when and where to meet on the beach ready for your first session. Once you’ve made yourself known to the designated club members leading the session they will ask you to fill in a form with a few questions. This is a requirement by British Rowing, and it is done first and foremost with your safety in mind. During the Learn to row session you’ll be taken through the basics of rowing. These sessions are intended as a gentle and informal introduction to rowing, to give you a chance to try and see whether you’d like to progress further with it. We try to make sure the early sessions are not to physically demanding, but don't worry, if you continue you will find gig rowing can be a great workout! The programme will focus on the basics of blade work, going through the motions of gig rowing and becoming more familiar with the instructions that the coxswain gives you. We aim to have you at a level where you can progress to a Development crew or the Social Rowers Group after 6 – 12 weeks, but this is of course dependent on your ability and how fast you progress. You may be ready to move sooner, but equally it may take longer. Please be mindful that progression is judged by the team of training coxes and is fully at their discretion.
  • What can I expect once I am in a development crew?
    When you progress to the development crew you will keep improving on the same things that you were working on during the Learn-to-Row programme. Getting your timing right is of course key, but we’ll also start to focus on more advanced things such as feathering and we may take you through racing start procedures etc. There is no set duration for being in the development crew, progression is dependent on your ability and commitment. Don’t be disheartened if it takes a while! The devil is very much in the detail with gig rowing and it can take years before you are moving like clockwork!
  • What about weather conditions? How do I know whether rowing will be on?
    First and foremost, if the weather is not looking good keep an eye on our Facebook page (LINK) and the Learn-to-Row Whatsapp group. Our rowing sessions are typically in the morning so we try to make the call no less than 12 hours in advance. You will hear from your coxwain if rowing is cancelled, so please always attend the session unless you hear otherwise. Gigs are quite seaworthy and in general, the Carrick Roads are quite sheltered and launching from Loe Beach means we can still row when there is fairly high winds. The only weather that tends to really complicate matters is a strong southerly wind, as this can cause swell to come right into the Carrick Roads, complicating launching of the gigs.
  • What should I wear?
    Loose fitting sports clothing or lycra and sensible footwear works well. For footwear we recommend a pair of old trainers that you don’t mind getting wet. Also bring a spare change of clothes if it’s looking particularly wet/windy, and don’t forget a waterproof coat. Fleece jumpers work well if it's looking cold or not particularly rainy. Clothing to AVOID include jeans, tight/non-stretch clothing that restrict movement, wool or other clothing that gets heavy when water-logged. Wellies can be a safety issue so don’t wear them, and of course footwear with heels are not suitable for gig rowing.
  • Who will I meet there? When should I turn up?
    You’ll find one or more members waiting for you at the slip on Loe Beach, normally wearing recognisable club kit. In all likelihood there’ll be crews out already so don’t be alarmed if you don’t see any gigs on the beach! Rowing is only possible with a full crew so if you have signed up to a session please do arrive in good time so that the session isn't cancelled for the other 5 rowers. It is good practice to turn up around 10 minutes before the start of your session. Normally learn-to-row sessions are ‘sandwiched’ between slots with more experienced crews taking the boats out, but at times you may be expected to help launch/put away gigs and your coxwain will talk you through how to do this.
  • Can I go rowing with underlying health conditions?
    We have members (social as well as competitive) with a range of underlying health conditions, but please consult with your GP if you are unsure. For insurance reasons and to make sure we can do everything in our power to keep you safe, we require disclosure of these health conditions to the coxswain or taster session coordinator. We will of course treat this as confidential information.
  • Do you cater for juniors? From what age can kids go rowing?
    We pride ourselves in our training programme for junior rowers and have a strong junior section with some fantastically skilled and dedicated young rowers. Having said that, the inherent size of gigs puts a lower limit on age/size of rowers because of the distance between the stretcher and the seat, and the weight of the oar requires a certain strength. The reality is that children below the age of around 10 will struggle, but this is of course to a fair degree dependent on the build and determination of the individual. Ultimately there's only one way to check whether you're big enough to go rowing so if you're not sure, get in touch with us to see if you or your child can go rowing.
  • What does social rowing entail?
    As well as the competitive side of the squad, we also have an active group of social rowers. They meet up once per week to go for a gentle row around the Carrick Roads or up one of the various rivers.
  • Where can I park for my training session?
    During the winter boats are stored in the Loe Beach car park, restricting space available for parking but normally there is enough space to accommodate everyone if everyone parks considerately. If you live locally walking to the beach or lift sharing is encouraged. In the summertime there is more space available, but equally there's likely to be more visitors to the beach. Depending on arrival time you may be asked to pay a £3 fee for parking by the beach owner.
  • How often do you train?
    Our training schedule varies throughout the year. There typically is a ladies and a men’s scheduled ‘squad’ training session each week where the the various crews get mixed up to focus on technique. Alongside this there are crew training sessions which depending on the ambitions of the crew could be as often as 5 times a week in all (safe) conditions. The Learn-to-Row and Development Crews go out once a week.
  • What about racing?
    We are one of the most competitive clubs in the gig rowing world, and racing is an important part of our club spirit as well as the sport as a whole. The biggest race fixtures of the year are the World Championships on the Isles of Scilly over the first weekend of May (Yes, you may be competing at world level after just a year of rowing!) and the County Championships at Newquay (early - mid September). Aside from these two events there are also a large number of other regattas throughout the Southwest, mainly in the summer and we try to attend one every weekend during the main rowing season (May – September). While we love having a great club turnout at events, we don't expect all members to attend all events as that would be exhausting! With the exception of the World Championships and some river races, regattas are a triangular or kite-shaped course, and races typically last 8 – 15 minutes. Races are usually separated into categories- so a regatta timetable may be something like this: Ladies B Mens B Ladies A Mens A Ladies Vets/ Supervets Mens Vets/ Supervets Mixed This means there are always a number of people on the beach waiting for their race so regattas have almost a festival atmosphere, and many members camp at the events to make the most of the festivities.
  • Do you do any off-the-water training activities?
    Many of our rowers cross train to keep fitness and strength at competitve levels. We offer circuit training several times per week at our gig shed over the winter period. We also have a number of rowing machines and other fitness equipment that can be used at any time. Ergo (rowing machine) training plans preparing for competitions or selections are set by captains or the rowing officer. Beyond that we encourage our competitive members to do further off-the-water training of their choice in their our own time.
  • Row hard, play hard?"
    Regattas are fun events, often held in picturesque locations that many people only visit during their holidays. There’s guaranteed to be a barbeque, fruit, cake and other snacks available and in a number of cases there’s a licensed bar, giving you the opportunity to have a well-earned drink if you feel like it. For events further afield we often go camping to make the best of visiting different parts of the Southwest. Aside from these events, we are lucky to have several excellent pubs in the vicinity. Every now and then a rowing session includes a stop-over at the Pandora Inn or off-water training is followed by a catch-up in the Punchbowl and Ladle.
Experienced Rowers
Social Rowers
Membership Levels

©2020 by Truro River Rowing Club
We are pleased that TRURO RIVER ROWING CLUB is a charitable incorporated organisation and it has been entered onto the Register of Charities with the Registered Charity Number 1190075.

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